Longest Scuba Dive
Khushi P. Parmar (Born on 30th May 2002) From Maharashtra, India, achieved the record “Lon...

Youngest CA, CS, CMA
Aditya Mahesh Jhawar (Born on 25th September 1995) from Surat, Gujarat achieved the record...

Youngest Theological Doctorate Degree Holder
Arpit Lall (Born on 12th July 1999) from Chhattisgarh, India achieved the record “Youngest...

Youngest to Memorize and Identify all States of India on the India Map
Master Amrut Krishna (Born on 25 May 2016) from Karnataka, India achieved the record “Youn...

Aditi Kalyani (Born on 19th November 2007) From Rajasthan, India achieved the record “Youn...

Youngest Vice-Chancellor
Dr Krishna N. Sharma (Born on 24th December 1984) From Uttar Pradesh, India has created th...

Youngest Most Award Winner in Art and Cultural Activities
Vrinda Singhal (Born on 14th February 2004) from Delhi, India has achieved the record “You...

Youngest to Read Most Complicated Words
Master Aatish Jawahar (born on 16th December 2010) from Tamil Nadu, India has achieved the...

Maximum Achievements in Shortest Span
Nirbhay DhawalKumar Thacker (Born on 10th October 2002) from Gujarat, India achieved the r...

Youngest Gazal Writer
Adarsh Dubey (Born on 20th August 1998) from Madhya Pradesh, India achieved the record “Yo...

Youngest Most Qualified & Certified Scuba Diver Girl
Khushi Parmar (Born on 30th May 2002) from Maharashtra, India achieved the record for “You...

Youngest to Memorise Flags of all Countries
Anirudh Srivatsan (Born on 13th May 2011) from Tamil Nadu, India has achieved the record f...

Lowest Limbo Ice Skating over 10 meters
Shristi Dharmendra Sharma (Born on 4th August 2004) from Maharashtra, India created the re...

Youngest to Memorise the World Map
Master Anirudh Srivatsan (Born on 13th May 2011) from Andhra Pradesh, India achieved the r...

Longest Distance Covered in a Day by Youngest Cyclist
Prithviraj Sanjay Shahapure (born on 20th September 2005) from Kolhapur, Maharashtra, Indi...

Youngest Flexible Boy
Jaspreet Singh Kalra (Born on 30th August 1999) from Punjab, India has created the record...

Youngest Founder of an International Foundation
Abid Hasan (Born on 5th August 1998) from Bihar, India has created the record by becoming...

Youngest to Cover Maximum Distance on Cycle
Yug Italiya (Born on 19th August 2000) from Gujarat, India created the record of “Youngest...

Lowest Limbo Skating over 10 meters
Shristi Dharmendra Sharma (Born on 4th August 2004) from Maharashtra, India has created th...

World’s Youngest Qualified & Certified Scuba Diver Girl
Tamanna Balachandran (born on 15th April 2004) from Mumbai, India has created the record o...

World’s Youngest Qualified & Certified Scuba Divers Girl Siblings
Rashi Balachandran (born on 4th December 1999) and Tamanna Balachandran (born on 15th Apri...

Most Competitions Winner at Youngest Age
Tanmayi Ambati (born on 18th February 1998) from Andhra Pradesh, India has won over 151 aw...

Longest Distance Covered by Limbo Skating
Shristi Dharmendra Sharma (born on 4th July 2004) from Maharashtra, India has created a re...

World’s Youngest Sky Diver
Prityush Darshan Jhaveri, (born on 10th November 2004) from Mumbai, India has created a re...

Youngest Girl to Complete a Grade 8 Keyboard Practical Exam
Rebecca Sheila Doss (born on 9th May 2001) from Tamil Nadu, India created the record of "Y...

World’s Youngest Animator & Lecturer
Aman Rehman (born on 26th July 2000) from Uttarakhand, India is working on Animations from...

World's Youngest Tabla Player
Truptraj Pandya (born on 23rd October 2006) is a child prodigy having an inbuilt sense of...

Youngest Drum Player of Nepal
Utprem Jojiju (born on 30th September 2008) of Nepal has created a record of " Youngest Dr...

Classical & Folk Variation Dance Performance on Laali Dance Songs
Baby Gurram Nidhi (born on 17th October 2004) from Andhra Pradesh, India has created a rec...

Youngest Published Poet
Aaditya Jain (born on 27th May 1998) from Rajsthan India penned the first Portic Biography...