Most Soap Bars Collection till July 2013
Brejesh Kumar Garg (Born on 31st October 1957) from Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, India has...

Most Soap Bars Collection till May 2014
Brejesh Kumar Garg (Born on 31st October 1957) from Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, India has...

Most Soap Bars Collection till December 2015
Brejesh Kumar Garg (Born on 31st October, 1957) from Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, India has...

Women with Most Qualifications as of 13th August 2016
Dr Edupuganti Padmaja Rani from Maharashtra, India achieved the record “Women with Most Qu...

Highest Score in Kuku Kube Mobile Game till 16 March 2016
Ashish Chopra (Born on 1st December 1972) from Haryana, India achieved the record for “Hig...

Passed under 10 Fire Rings while Holding Fire Pot on Head
Ashish Kumar Arvindbhai Solanki (Born on 4th June 1986) from Gujarat, India achieved the r...

Most Balls Colour Identified From Front in One Minute Blindfolded
Ashman K. Bajwa (Born on 10th June 2007) from Punjab, India achieved the record “Most Ball...

Most Hindi Songs Communicated through Dance
Sharad Ratilal Gandhi (Born on 18th May 1971) & Bharat Rameshbhai Gandhi (Born on 4th Sept...

Playing Mobile Game Non-Stop Blindfolded
Bhawani Singh (Born on 16th January 2006) from Uttarakhand, India achieved the record “Pla...

Deepest Para Motoring Flight
Rites lonut Irinel (Born on 5th July 1975) along with Adrian Buzan (Born on 9th December 1...

Most Playing Cards Colour Identified in One Minute Blindfolded
Khushmanpreet Kaur (Born on 5th December 2006) from Punjab, India achieved the record “Mos...

Fastest Writing using Hand Touching in One Minute Blindfolded
Simran Kanwar Tanwar (Born on 23rd July 2005) from Rajasthan, India achieved the record “F...

Ate Fruits under Water
Team Leader Narinder Singh (Born on 10th June 1979) from Haryana, India, along with 6 team...

Under Water Cycling by Team at a Depth of 9m (30 ft)
Team Leader Narinder Singh (Born on 10th June 1979) from Haryana, India, along with 6 team...

Dancing with Hula Hoop on Sharp Nails
MK Koteswari (Born on 6th March 1985) from Tamil Nadu, India achieved the record for danci...

Juggling Four Eggs without Dropping and Catching 694 Times
M Prasanth (Born on 3rd April 1994) from Tamil Nadu, India achieved the record “Juggling F...

Rotating Hula Hoop on One Leg and 3 Balls Juggling
MK Koteswari (Born on 6th March 1985) from Tamil Nadu, India achieved the record for Danci...

Longest Balancing with Steel Table on Mental Region (Chin)
V Kishore (Born on 4th July 1990) from Tamil Nadu, India, achieved the record “Longest Bal...

Longest Time to Spinning a Yoga ball in Single Hand
T M Raj Kumar (Born on 5th April 1994) from Tamil Nadu, India achieved the record “Longest...

The Farthest Distance Travelled with a Pool Cue Balanced on Finger
V Kishore (Born on 4th July 1990) from Tamil Nadu, India, achieved the record “The Farthes...

World's Fastest Bare Hand Painter
Parijoy Saha (Born on 14th February 1974) from West Bengal, India achieved the record “Wor...

Most Coconut Smashed with Sword in One Minute
Gupreet Singh (Born on 16th October 1986) along with Harpreet Singh (Born on 23rd June 199...

Most Watermelon Smashed around a Person with Hammer Blindfold in One M...
Gurpreet Singh (Born on 16th October 1986) along with Harpreet Singh (Born on 23rd June 19...

Most Time Chakkar Bouncing in One Minute
Gagandeep Singh (Born on 14th January 1994) member of AKJ Shamshir Khalsa Gatka Group from...

Most Candles Blown using Tongue in One Minute
Nirankar Singh (Born on 15th November 1994 member of AKJ Shamshir Khalsa Gatka Group from...

Most Gatka Bravery Acts performed by a Group
AKJ Shamshir Khalsa Gatka Group from Amritsar, Punjab, India achieved the record “Most Gat...

Longest Cycling Marathon by a Minor (Male)
Longest Cycling Marathon by a Minor (Male) lasted for 28 hours, was set by Anand.T.R, Clas...

Longest Solo Cooking Marathon
Chef Ram Prakash (Born on 15th July 1987) from Tamil Nadu, India, achieved the record “Lon...

Blind Folded Drumming Marathon
R.S Vishaal (Born on 25th November 2007) from Tamil Nadu, India achieved the record “Blind...

Longest Training Speech by Individual
Ashwin Sudani (Born on 1st June 1972) from Gujarat, India achieved the record “Longest Tra...