First Woman to reach ANINI from MIAO on Cycle
Ajita Italiya (Born on 29th March 1979) from Gujarat, India achieved the record “First Wom...

Youngest To Achieve Most Dives
Khushi P. Parmar (Born on 30th May 2002) From Maharashtra, India, achieved the record “You...

Most Aerobic Performances in a Day
Khushi P. Parmar (Born on 30th May 2002) From Maharashtra, India, achieved the record “Mos...

Longest Time Underwater Activities Performance
Khushi P. Parmar (Born on 30th May 2002) From Maharashtra, India, achieved the record “Lon...

Most Scuba Dives in a Week
Khushi P. Parmar (Born on 30th May 2002) From Maharashtra, India, achieved the record “Mos...

Longest Scuba Dive
Khushi P. Parmar (Born on 30th May 2002) From Maharashtra, India, achieved the record “Lon...

Youngest CA, CS, CMA
Aditya Mahesh Jhawar (Born on 25th September 1995) from Surat, Gujarat achieved the record...

Youngest Theological Doctorate Degree Holder
Arpit Lall (Born on 12th July 1999) from Chhattisgarh, India achieved the record “Youngest...

Youngest to Memorize and Identify all States of India on the India Map
Master Amrut Krishna (Born on 25 May 2016) from Karnataka, India achieved the record “Youn...

Aditi Kalyani (Born on 19th November 2007) From Rajasthan, India achieved the record “Youn...

Youngest Vice-Chancellor
Dr Krishna N. Sharma (Born on 24th December 1984) From Uttar Pradesh, India has created th...

Most Time Football Juggling on Knee in One Minute
Aman Singh (Born on 26th November 1999) from Uttar Pradesh, India achieved the record “Mos...

Heaviest Vehicle pulled with Body
Labhanshu Sharma (Born on 27th August 1998) From Uttrakhand, India achieved the record “He...

Longest Unsupported Solo Trek at High Altitudes
NagaRaj Arkot (Born on 3rd August 1977) from Telangana, India achieved the record “Longest...

Art Exhibition by Disabled (Dumb & Deaf) Girl
Ch Lakshmi Durga (Born on 24th June 1980) from Telangana, India achieved the record” Art E...

Reduction of Glycemic Index of Sugar with Herbal Technology
Dr C.K.Nandagopalan (Born on 1st February 1959) From Tamil Nadu, India achieved the record...

First Sale deed on Palm Leaf
Arun Lahoti (Born on 23rd July 1979) from Gujarat, India achieved the record “First Sale d...

First Workshop by Astrologers Near the Giza Pyramid of Egypt
Maharshi Ved Vyas Academy - a unit of International Astro Foundation (IAF), India achieved...

Most People on International Trip by an Organisation
Maharshi Ved Vyas Academy - a unit of International Astro Foundation (IAF), India achieved...

Most Business School Training by an Individual
Dr Chandrasekar Somisetty (Born on 15th April 1954) from Karnataka, India achieved the rec...

Most Live Portrait by Pen in 13 Hours
Bhargav Vasu (Born on 19th July 2005) Student of Anima World of Arts Institute from Chenna...

Largest Cycle Awareness Lesson
Bathinda Cycling Group and District Olympic Association Bathinda achieved the record “Larg...

Most Consultancies by an Astrologer
Dr Yogeshvar Shastri (Born on 11th June 1957) from Gujarat, India achieved the record “Mos...

First Workshop by Astrologers Near the Pyramid of Egypt
Maharshi Ved Vyas Academy - a unit of International Astro Foundation (IAF) completed the w...

Most Students Performed Karate Kumite
World Goju-Ryu Karate-Do (Armour Martial Arts Gujju Karate Association) achieved the recor...

Most Squirrel Pictures Clicked by an Individual
Kunal RajeshBhai Shah (Born on 12th February 1995) from Gujarat, India achieved the record...

Most Books Written by an Author in a Single Subject
Shanti Lal Nagori (Born on 4th July 1949) From Rajasthan, India achieved the record “Most...

Most Students Performed Martial Art Kick, Punch & Kata
World Shotokan Karate-Do Federation India (WSKF INDIA) achieved the record “Most Student P...

Most Paintings Reiterated in 24 Hours
Srilatha Malladi (Born on 11th December 1981) from Telangana, India achieved the record “M...

Chess Played by Human Pieces
The Millennium School Bathinda, achieved the record "Chess Played by Human Pieces" where 3...