Youngest to Recite the Periodic Table while doing a Headstand
Daksh Choudhary (born on 10th June 2004) from Rajasthan, India has recited the names of 11...

Memorized 10,000 Years Calendar at Youngest Age
Master Balivada Vishal Patnaik (born on 30th April 2005) from Andhra Pradesh, India perfor...

Most Devotional Song Programmes on different Stages
Chadalavada Sai Santhoshi (born on 9th November 1998) from Andhra Pradesh, India is a chil...

Most Ganesha Carved on a Teakwood Root
Om Prakash Khuswaha (born on 7th July 1944) and Rajendera Singh Khuswaha (born on 18th Mar...

1,25,000 Ganesha's Sketches
Malatesh.M.Garadimani from Karnataka, India has created 1,25,000 Ganesha's sketches in 1,...

Most Handmade Ganesha Idols
Rama Satish Shah (born on 8th November 1961) from Mumbai, India has created a record by ma...

Most News Images Shot by an Individual
Josekutty Panackal (born on 11th August 1977) of Kerala, India has created a record of "Mo...

Most Poem Books Published in a Year
Rohit Shetty (born on 20th May 1986) from Maharashtra, India has written a total of 400 po...

Most Stunts Performed with Skates and Bike in Natural Rain
Anuvesh Maheshwari (born 30th November 1992) along with his two friends Anshul Vijayvargia...

Most Sculpture Article with Thermocol
V.Ramana Murthy (born on 15th February 1963) from Andhra Pradesh, India has created the re...

Most Stage Performances (Veena Playing)
K. Nitya Pranathi (born on 14 July 1997) of Andhra Pradesh, India has created the record o...

Maximum Programmes held since 1970
The Organisation Tyagaraja Ghana Sabha Chikkadpally (Established in 1970) from Hyderabad,...

Art Work by Most Bindi’s
Goddeti. Rama (born on 6th June 1977) from Andhra Pradesh, India has done artwork by Most...

Most People Folding T-Shirts Simultaneously
Brian Jackson (born on 20th October 1964) from Oklahoma, U.S.A., achieved the record “Most...

Most People Celebrating their Birthday Together
Prashant Patel (born on 27th February 1971) Gujarat, India organised the event for “Most P...

Most Postal Items Posted In a Day
Ninad Jadhav (born on 11th July 1977) from Madhya Pradesh, India posted (214 x 4 = 856 Pos...

Most Post Cards Posted In a Day
Ninad Jadhav (born on 11th July 1977) from Madhya Pradesh, India Posted 1111 Self-Addresse...

Most Snaps Clicked Within 24 Hours
Ninad Jadhav (born on 11th July 1977) from Madhya Pradesh, India clicked 11111 snaps of hi...

Most Students Wearing Recycled Birthday Caps Together
Ninad Jadhav (born on 11th July 1977) from Madhya Pradesh, India conducted a seminar on th...

Most Girl Students Writing Essay Together
Narayanrao Bahuddeshiya Education Society, Nagpur, India conducted an essay writing compet...

Most Trees Planted in 12 Hours
Lions Clubs International South India multiples 324 teams planted 34,81,678 trees in 175 d...

Most People Dressed as Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharathiyar
The Most People Dressed as Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharathiyar was achieved by 351 participan...

Most oil Portraits of a Single Personality
Rajasekharan Parameswaran (born on 2nd June 1963) from Tamil Nadu, India has created “Most...

Most Oil Portraits in a Week
Rajasekharan Parameswaran (born on 2nd June 1963) from Tamil Nadu, India has created “Most...

Most Sea Sand Shivlings
Jayesh Hinglajiya (born on 7th January 1973) and a team of 24 people from Matrubhumi Yuvas...

World’s Longest Contra Line
Nishant Choudhary (born on 5th August 1979 ) from Rajasthan, India has created “World’s Lo...

Most Designs formed Using Rs. 10 Banknotes
Nishant Choudhary (born on 5th August 1979) from Rajasthan, India created the record for “...

Most Letters Sent For Wishing the Family after a Girl Has Born
Garima Foundation is an NGO established by a group of Professionals, President awarded tea...

Most Yogasanas Performed by an Individual (Female)
The Most Yogasanas Performed by an Individual (Female) in 12 Hours was achieved by K.S Kan...

Most Article Yogasanas Performed by an Individual (Male)
The Most Article Yogasanas Performed by an Individual (Male) in 10 Hours was achieved by S...