Bible Written in Mirror Language
Uttam Das (born on 14th September 1976) from Assam, India has written the Holy Bible (Old...

Playing Indian National Anthem on the Highest Place
Anand Ashok Bansode (born on 29th July 1985) from Maharashtra, India has created a record...

Fastest Calligraphic Painting in One Minute
Ayesha Ejaz (born on 27th December 1997) from Hyderabad, Pakistan has created the record o...

Most Burning Charcoal Swallowed
Ridip Saikia (born on 1st October 1989) from Assam, India swallowed 150 pieces of burning...

World's First Nail Written Book
Piyush Goyal (born on 10th February 1967) from Uttar Pradesh, India has created "World's F...

Blind Fold Chess Tournament
K.P. Christi Raj - Presidency Higher Secondary School, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu - India cond...

Grapes Production in a Bulb
Jag Mohan Kanojia (born on 4th January 1966) from Punjab, India has created "Bunch of Grap...

Guava Production in a Bulb
Jag Mohan Kanojia (born on 4th January 1966) from Punjab, India has created a record of "G...

Singing While Holding Needle between Lips
Om Prakash Deepak (born on 5th January 1944) from Punjab, India achieved the record "Singi...

Dancing on Small Skates Wheels
Chirag Gupta ( born on 11th February 2000) from Punjab, India danced on skates wheels havi...

Swami Vivekananda Biography Written in Mirror Writing
Gadapa Raghupathi Rao (born on 1st July 1972) from Andhra Pradesh, India has written Swami...

Holy Book “BHAGWAT GEETA” in the Mirror Writing
Piyush Goyal (born on 10th February 1967) from Utter Pradesh, India has created a record o...

World’s First Needle Book “Madhushala"
Piyush Goyal (born on 10th February 1967) from Utter Pradesh, India has created a record o...

Gitanjali with Henna Cone in Mirror Writing
Piyush Goyal Dadriwala (born on 10th February 1967) from Uttar Pradesh, India has set a re...

Invention Animated T-Shirt
Shailendra Rakhecha (born on 7th November 1981) from Kolkata, India has made a washable an...

Honour for Technical Innovations
Gireeshan M.G. (born on 13th January 1984) from Kerala, India is known as “Desi Edison” fo...

Invention of Environmental Electropathy by Development of Environmenta...
Shripad Krishnarao Vaidya (born on 5th May 1969 ) from Maharashtra, India has invented Env...

Sugarcane Bud Chopper Equipment
Roshan Lal Vishwakarma (born on 8th March 1967) from Madhya Pradesh, India has Invented "S...

Longest Singing Concert by an Individual
Pravin Bhivgade (born on 25 December 1971) of Maharashtra, India has created the record of...

Played the Ghatam Continuously for 25 Hours 20 Minutes
P.Kadirvel from Puducherry, India a percussionist played the Ghatam continuously for 25 ho...

Longest Cycling Marathon by an Individual (Male)
The Longest Cycling Marathon by an Individual (Male) lasted for 24 hours covering 882.6 Ki...

Longest Fire Dance Marathon by an Individual
R.Anbuthambi (born on 20th March 1987) from Semmedu, Tamil Nadu, India performed "Longest...

24 Hours Non - Stop Drumming
B. Sridhar (born on 9th November 1981) from Tamil Nadu, India a drummer by profession perf...

Longest Darbuka Playing Marathon by an Individual
B.Sridhar (born on 9th November 1981) from Tamil Nadu, India performed "Longest Darbuka Pl...

Most Chest to Ground Burpees in 72 Hours
Lloyd Weema (born on 23rd November 1978) from OR, USA performed "Most Chest to Ground Burp...

12 hours Non-Stop Rope Skipping
Manthry Praveen Kumar (born on 22nd January 1982) from Andhra Pradesh, India has created a...

Longest Philosophical Discourses Rendered
Krovi Partha Saarathi (born December 13th December 1949) a retired reader in commerce at V...

Longest Fire Dance Marathon by an Individual - Female
E.Iswarya (born on 18th May 1992) from Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, performed "Longest Fire D...

135 Hours Non-Stop Singing Marathon
B.Rahiman of Tamil Nadu, India sang multi songs in different languages for 135 hours conti...

Performed Longest Internet RJ Marathon
B.Rahiman from Gingee (Villupuram District), Tamil Nadu, Performed Longest Internet RJ Mar...